Wavefront Guided Customised Lasik
Wavefront Guided Lasik is basically a treatment plan for reshaping the cornea with laser. Wavefront Guided Lasik itself is not a type of Lasik.
The corneal reshaping pattern is planned with a scan performed before surgery which is called wavefront study. Subsequently, as per the surface study of cornea, the reshaping pattern is planned in the lasik machine.
Wavefront Guided Lasik can be performed in any approach of Lasik, i.e., through PRK, All Laser Lasik, Blade Lasik or SMILe Lasik
Wavefront study is performed to understand the following observations on cornea
1) Whether the cornea is regular or irregular
2) Whether the thickness is uniform across cornea or are there any thin and steep areas
3) Whether the cornea is stable or unstable for a refractive surgery
The critical parameter and advantage of wavefront guided technology is that this scan measures thickness and surface regularity study in 1200 different points on the cornea.
Subsequently the scan then builds reshaping pattern which is unique for each patient as per the readings.
Why Wavefront Guided Lasik
- Wavefront guided treatment plan is unique for each patient according to their corneal surface
- Ideal choice for all regular and stable corneas
- Can be used for all approaches of Lasik i.e., Flap and Non-Flap Lasiks
- No starburst and colour halos
Suitable for
Refractive Errors Correction
Uniquely customised for each patient
No colour halos
No star bursts
What Lasiks can be performed
Duration of the test
What type of Lasik is Wavefront Lasik, a flap lasik or non-flap lasik
Wavefront Lasik is per se not a type of Lasik, it is an ablation pattern (corneal reshaping pattern)
used for reshaping the cornea uniquely to offer a glassfreelife
Is wavefront Lasik suitable for thin corneas
Wavefront technique is just a treatment plan technique, whether to go for a lasik or not as per the
thickness is determined by approach of Lasik we chose. For all thin corneas the preferred choice is
PRK and if you chose to go for PRK, wavefront guided PRK is suitable for thin corneas. However,
whether we can perform Lasik or not on thin corneas will be determined only after consultation
Can I go for wavefront lasik if I have astigmatism
Yes, people with moderate astigmatism i.e., up to -3.00 Cylindrical can easily go for wavefront
guided Lasik either through PRK or Flap Lasik approach
Can if go for wavefront lasik if I have Keratoconus
If you have established keratoconus and you have been on any kind of corrective treatment like
Rigid Contact Lenses etc, you cannot undergo Lasik treatment. You need to first go for corneal
stabilization procedures.
Which is better lasik Wavefront or Contoura Lasik
There is no such better or best treatment plan, each procedure has its own advantages. For
people with stable and regular corneas Contoura (Topo guided lasik) doesn’t prove to be any
additional advantage over wavefront lasik. But for people with irregular corneas Contoura proves
to be more advantageous.
What is the recovery period for wavefront Lasik
When performed with Flap Lasiks or SMILe it is 1 Day. When performed with PRK 1 week
With Over 20 Years of Experience in Lasik and other Refractive Surgeries , GFL offers excellence in Lasik and other Refractive Surgeries for people of any age between 18 years to 80 years
With Over 20 Years of Experience in Lasik and other Refractive Surgeries , GFL offers excellence in Lasik and other Refractive Surgeries for people of any age between 18 years to 80 years